
Executive, By-laws & Constitution



Around Town


The Lake

Community Resources



Safety Tips
  • Drive carefully at the posted 40 kph in McRae Beach and always watch for children.
  • Obey fire regulations.
  • Accompany your guests when they use our parks and ask anyone you do not recognize who they are.
  • Test your drinking water and make sure you well is safe.
  • Attend a community meeting and meet your neighbours.
  • Never drive your boat within 100 feet of the shoreline except when entering or leaving the water
Boating Safety For safe boating advice click here
Police Alerts Cottage Watch is here!
York Regional Police Marine Unit have initiated a Cottage Watch Program for all seasonal residents in the Lake Simoe patrol area within York Region. In an attempt to reduce crimes against property the York Regional Police will conduct periodic spot checks of properties in the area and notify you in case of an emergency. Following is a form that you can print and mail to York Regional Police, 17250 Yonge St., Newmarket, ON L3Y 4W5 or drop off in person at 3 District Headquarters, 3527 Baseline Road, Sutton West.
Seasonal Property Contact Person
Address: Name:
City/Town: City:Town:
Phone Numbers: Home
Lost & Found Please email the Webmaster with any lost or found items..
Beach Ads Please email the Webmaster with any classified ads.

Beach Rules & Regs

1) Take all garbage created in the park back to your property for disposal.

2) No parking or camping in the park. Take your car or truck and trailer back to your property after launching your water or winter craft.

3) Use of Parks is restricted to McRae Beach residents who have paid their dues and their family or accompanied guests.

4) Docks in parks require Association review. All docks must be in the water by June 1st of each year. All docks are available for use by all members with consideration for the owner.

5) Boat storage or boat lifts are not allowed in the parks.

6) All ATV’s, motorcycles must obey all traffic laws.

7) Georgina Township law requires that all dogs be leashed at all times and not allowed to run free. Please pick up after your pet.

8) No alcohol, BBQ’s or flying craft are allowed in parks.

9) Watercraft should be operated 30 metres from shore and at a safe speed.

10) No fireworks in the parks. Be considerate of others by not setting off fireworks anywhere after 11PM.

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