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Around Town
The Lake
Community Resources
Lake Simcoe
Lake Simcoe is the reason we all live
or cottage at McRae Beach. The lake is in serious jeopardy and this page
will give you information on what you can do to ensure that the lake
survives for us to enjoy.
The WAVE is about healthy yards… and healthy
waters. The WAVE is about the power of people—and you’re invited
to be part of it. |
Lots of great stories of lake living and useful
information in every issue |
Burnie Creek - a local concern for McRae
Burnie Creek drains into Lake Simcoe at
Island View Beach which is next to South McRae Beach. Inland pollution
has and is causing problems along its course and at the mouth. Silt and
other run off is causing a significant degradation of the shore line.
Although the muddy silt has mostly affected the beaches immediately west
of the mouth it is a critical problem for the residents using Island
View Beach. Their residents are attempting to have the LSRCA investigate
the problem. Our association has agreed to support their efforts. It is
possible the contamination may affect our beach residents if this
pollution is allowed to continue unabated. For more information please
click. Burnie
Creek Cleanup
Ribbon of Life
With a surface area of 722 square kilometres,
Lake Simcoe is southern Ontario's largest inland body of water exclusive
of the Great Lakes. And while it's drainage basin sweeps all the way
from the Oak Ridges Moraine to Barrie, Orillia and Beaverton — it is the
Lake's shoreline that hosts one of the most biologically diverse areas
in the watershed. Unfortunately, this narrow "Ribbon Of Life" hugging
our shores is in danger of being destroyed.
You can help protect Lake Simcoe's "Ribbon Of
Life" by following these recommendations:
- Restore/preserve shoreline vegetation to enhance
wildlife habitat. The Federation of Ontario Naturalists suggests
gardeners looking to add a little colour to their waterfront properties
try planting vibrant native species such as arrowheads, blue flags,
pickerelweed, water parsnips, and cardinal flowers.
- Use phosphate free soaps and detergents, and maintain
septic systems to reduce the amount of phosphorus leaching into our
waterways. Since every gram of phosphorous has the potential to generate
500 grams of plant life, it is important to keep this incredible
fertilizer out of our waterways.
- Naturalize your lawn and leave at least a metre-wide
"buffer strip" of vegetation along the shore. You can reduce soil
erosion, save time and money by converting grassy areas to an attractive
collection of native ground covers such as Herb Robert, bearberry and
wild strawberry plants.
- Plant native trees along the shoreline to reduce soil
erosion, enhance wildlife habitat and protect spawning beds.
- Keep herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers out of our
waterways as they upset local ecosystems.
- Reduce boating speeds near the shore. This will help
reduce wakes which have the potential to uproot plant, stress aquatic
life, and create erosion.
- Use non-toxic cleaners, and dispose of household
hazardous waste responsibly. While household waste water can be treated
by municipal and private septic systems, substances dumped into street
gutters and down storm drains remain untreated and can ruin recreational
areas and wildlife habitat as they make their way along our waterways
into Lake Simcoe. Please call your local municipality to find out how
best to dispose of all substances with warning labels.
Winning The War Against Algae
Lake Simcoe is in trouble. Phosphorus pollution from
both urban and rural sources has contributed to the excessive growth of
aquatic plants and algae, upsetting the Lake's dynamic ecosystem. The
only way we are going to win the war against algae, and restore Lake
Simcoe's health, is if we all work together to reduce the amount of
phosphorus entering the Lake and its tributaries. "An Action Guide to
Improving the Waters of Lake Simcoe" provides the information you need
to help save Lake Simcoe. This 20-page booklet outlines water
conservation strategies you can use at home, or at the cottage. It also
provides advice on reducing soil erosion and naturalizing your lands.
The booklet even has recipes for environmentally sensitive cleaners and
pesticide alternatives.
You can find the complete version of the Action Guide on
the LSRCA's website, located at www.lsrca.on.ca or you can call
905-895-1281 to have one mailed to you.
Until then:
- Use fertilizers sparingly... Top dress the lawn with
finished compost in the spring and fall, and leave the grass clippings
on the ground to fertilize the lawn all summer long.
- Reduce surface water contamination... use a bucket
instead of a hose to wash the car; plant native species along drainage
ditches; sweep the driveway rather than hosing it down; and use a
pulsating sprinkler to deliver one inch of water to the lawn once a
- Find out about the "Lake Simcoe Water Quality
Improvement Program"... Landowners interested in reducing soil erosion,
enhancing wildlife habitat and improving local water quality can find
out if the conservation works on their land qualify for technical or
financial support by calling 905-895-1281. Page 5 of this guide provides
further details
Advice For Boaters
With their intimate knowledge of Lake Simcoe's health
and beauty, boaters have a vested interest in protecting our
Here are a few "Green" tips for environmentally friendly
boaters to follow:
- Empty black water and grey water storage tanks at
marina pumpout stations otherwise the bacteria, phosphorus and other
contaminants may compromise local water quality.
- Use phosphate-free cleaners so that a "ship shape" deck
doesn't mean feeding the algae!
- Reduce speeds near shorelines because "making waves"
destroys wildlife habitat and causes erosion.
- Place your garbage in the dock-side dumpster, not
overboard, or else it could harm or kill wildlife.
- Keep toxins out of our waterways... use "bilge pillows"
to absorb harmful petroleum products, and avoid gas spills by easing up
on the handle at the pump.